
Profiling is wrong!

I don’t like to get into political discussions. It’s not that I don’t care. I care a great deal.

I just hate circle-jerk discussions. They’re pointless. As pointless as fat-free ice cream, sugar- free candy and lite chocolate bars.

If I am in need of a Milky Way bar give me every fat laden calorie that goes along with it.

DO NOT save me from myself thank you very much.

But I have to speak out against profiling. It’s gone too far. The Department of Homeland Security needs to step off and no one will get hurt.

This is an audience participation blog today.

Look over to the right there. There’s a place to click to see my complete profile.

Click on it.

For heaven’s sake! I’m not asking much. Go bloody read it.

I’ll wait.

· Age: 44
· Gender: female
· Astrological Sign: Virgo
· Zodiac Year: Ox
· Industry: Arts
· Location: New Hampshire

I am an aging, mountain dwelling, virgin-like carb embracing, ox resembling, hippy-troll woman.

Ha. Bloody. Ha.

I’m sure Angel’s would read something like this;

· Age: Perpetually 30 ish
· Gender: female
· Astrological Sign: Virgo- South Beach Rising
· Zodiac Year: Purring Kitten
· Industry: : Beautifying the Planet by my Mere Existence
· Location: Heaven sent

Donald Rumsfeld, Tom Ridge, just so you’re aware;

I am not a fan.
posted by Angel @ 1:52 PM |


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