
Who’s looking after your inner-child?

While Angel may be held on high for her pretty lil pout and peppering her babble with baby talk, I’m not sure she’s in touch with her inner child.

It’s about the power she has and how she uses it to manipulate the situation to her advantage.

Not that you had a thread of advantage to begin with, but you like it that way.

They say we all have one, but it seems that most people won’t admit to theirs.

I keep my inner child close at hand at all times.

She is cheeky, loud, demanding and prone to complete breakdowns at the most inopportune times.

Back in the days when I was a cubicle inhabiting worker-bee she proved most helpful in my survival.

As an example - I was in a meeting once where everyone was going around the table introducing themselves and passing out their cards.

You know how it goes:

“I’m Mister So & So, VP of Sales and Marketing with Big Important Company”—hands out card with a string of assorted alphabetical codes that show how important they are…………and so it goes round the table with everyone nodding and acknowledging solemnly each other’s importance.

My turn comes and out of nowhere that cheeky little monkey pops up and with a completely straight face:

“My name is Princess Angel Frou-Frou Face, Queen of Everything and I require no cards and don’t normally indulge an introduction when holding court you silly mere mortals.”

2-3 eternal and agonizing seconds of blank stares. Then the entire table erupts in laughter.

Including my department head.


My inner child also comes in handy when things between my 16 year-old and I become strained and he is exercising his voice in that democratic way I raised him, (what was I thinking?). Twisting the logic quicker than I can think.

And I think pretty fast.

Inner child to the rescue, she takes over and I am instantly on the floor in the middle of an eye-scrunching and red-faced screaming fit of:


Immediately reducing him to fits of hysterical laughter and giving me time to regroup.

Way more effective than the:

“Because I make the rules!”- place I was headed with my adult self.

She may be extremely hard to control and unpredictable in all her immature wisdom, but I love her immensely.

I think I’ll take her out for ice-cream tonight.

Perhaps you should pay more attention to yours?


***Your Inner Child Is Naughty***

Like a child, you tend to discount social rules.It's just too much fun to break the rules!You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you.And no matter what, you refuse to grow up!

***Your Inner Child Is Naughty***

Like a child, you tend to discount social rules.It's just too much fun to break the rules!You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you.And no matter what, you refuse to grow up!

How Is Your Inner Child?
posted by Angel @ 7:08 PM |


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