
Tomorrow People --- How Long Will We Last?

Past or future?

It comes down to which is more important.

That’s the question and the answer is unquestionably --- FUTURE!

The past is, of course, important, but insignificantly so compared to the future.

We need to know our past, own it, learn from it and then move away from it towards the future. With the faith and confidence that what we learned from the past will make the future different, better.

People invest in things called futures, on Wall Street--- there is not one thing you can invest in called, pasts, on Wall Street. The brains doesn’t even know how to wrap itself around that concept.

What are we investing in?

That 13.2 acres on Sinsabaugh Road is our future. We need to own it and I’m not talking about owning on paper and with money, loans etc... I mean in our hearts and souls.

We are being wishy washy and not taking control.
The universe can NOT read and fulfill wishy washy pictures. It needs clear, concise pictures in which to work with.

My point and yes I actually have one, shock-horror, is this:

The Hoosier— is my past. I no longer need it. It was bought with dreams and expectations put upon it that never quite blossomed. They had to do with my past life and a much younger Derek. That time is past and I don’t need a reminder of what didn’t happen.

When I picture making Christmas cookies, breads and all with our grandchildren I see a long ,rustic table covered in flour and too many bowls and utensils. I see that table being accessed on all sides by whomever wants to join in for a minute or the duration. Those watching and those participating.

An open welcoming expanse that is attacked with joy and without boundaries.

The Hoosier is a finite space. A private niche who’s time is past. It contains more bad karma than good and I want to let that go.

There must be so much more around here that we should do the same with.

One can’t move forward while still having one foot chained to the unfulfilled past.

I want to move forward.

Will you come with me?

Yes, bazillions of insects and all.

Tomorrow People

Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?
Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?

Today you say you deyah
Tomorrow you say you're gone
But you're gone so long
If there is no love in your heart - so sorry
Then there is no hope for you - true, true

Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?
Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last?

So you're in the air
But you still don't have a thing to spare
You're flying high
While we're on the low o-o-oh

Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last? Tell me now
Tomorrow people, where is your past? No where
Tomorrow people, how long will you last? Ten years!

Stop tellin' me the same story
Today you say you deyah
Tomorrow you say you're gone and you're not coming back
If there is no love in your heart oh now
There will never be hope for you

Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, how long will you last? Ten years!
Tomorrow people, where is your past?
Tomorrow people, tomorrow people, come on
Tomorrow people, tomorrow people, come on
Tomorrow people, tomorrow people, no soon come
Tomorrow people, tomorrow people, soon come
Tomorrow people, tomorrow people, today is here

If you don't know your past, you don't know your future
Don't know your past, don't know your future everyman
Don't know your past, don't know your future, come on
Don't know your past, don't know your future

How many nations
How many people did that one catch
How many nations did that one catch
Don't know past, don't know your future
Don't know past, don't know your future

Dawn Marie Kelly 2006 ~ all rights reserved
posted by Angel @ 1:55 PM |


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